
Sunday, 21 November 2021

Assembly Certificates Term 4 Week 5

 Well done to the students who received Certificates this week:

Monica, Alexis, Ollie, Poppy, Alyssa, Van and Shakarna.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Assembly Certificates Term 4 Week 3

Well done to the students who received Certificates this week:

Lucy, Sapphire, Charlie-Mae, Daniel and Micah.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Assembly Certificates Term 4 Week 1

 Well done to the students who received Certificates this week:

Minh, Eddie, Charlotte, Emilie, and Mila.

Light and shadows

 In Paiaka Hub we have been learning about light and shadows. Here are some photos of us making the most of the suns light and exploring our shadows...

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Assembly Certificates Week 8 and Week 9

Congratulations to all the children who received an Assembly certificate. 

Chyeanne, Ella S, Mikah, Louie, Jaxson, Ben, Indi, 

Ryker, Josh K, Niko, Adam B, Jack.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Hui Certificates Term 3 Week 3

Well done to all the children who received a Hui certificate on Friday. 

Max, Henry, Ethan, Emett, Claire, and Kāhu. 

Lego Titantic

 Hirhaan and Oliver have been busy during morning tea and lunchtime, they have created a lego Titanic! 

Awesome work boys!

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Learning about the Brain

This week in PBL the children made model brains. We were learning about the different parts of the brain and how each side of our brain has a different function. 

Area and Perimeter

This week, 2 of our workshop groups were learning about measuring shapes by using perimeter and area. The children got the opportunity to go outside and measure different things in the playground. A few pictures from their time outside.

Friday, 9 July 2021

Paiaka PBL Showcase

Well done to all the Paiaka students who were able to talk about their PBL projects with great enthusiasm and confidence yesterday at our Whole School Showcase. The children were proud to share their learning around our school's turanagawaewae. 

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Week 10 Maths Learning

This week in Paiaka we have been focussing on our strand learning during Maths time. 

Some of us were learning about volume and capacity. We got to measure out the water and how much water was in each container. We did a relay to see who would win. 

Some of us were looking at position and direction. We got to use the beet bots. We had lots of fun!

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Raising money for SPCA - Bake/Craft Sale!

On Friday 2nd July, a group of Paiaka students raised money for the SPCA by having a bake and craft sale at morning tea. What a fabulous fundraiser! The girls sold out in 20 minutes and made $412 for the Christchurch SPCA. They are delivering it in person during the school holidays.

Well done to Indi, Emilie, Alyssa, Mila for planning and raising this money. Thank you to these girls for helping with extra baking and selling. Alexis, Charlotte, Monica, Alexi, Lilarose, Avah, and Sophia.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Hui Certificates Term 2 Week 9

Well done to all the children who received Hui certificates this week. 

Chyeanne, Azaria, Emilie, Ollie, Harry, Ben. 

Friday, 18 June 2021

Hui Awards


 Congratulations to Eddie, Louie, Sapphire, Micah, Indi, and Keyarah who received a Fruit of the Spirit award at Hui.

Monday, 31 May 2021

Hui Awards

 Congratulations to Ella S, Mila, Charlotte, Daniel, Niko, and Charlie Mae who received a Fruit of the Spirit award at Hui. 

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Swimming Term 2

 Photos from Water Safety Swimming Lessons for 2 Weeks.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Monday, 12 April 2021

Hui Awards Week 11

Congratulations to Poppy, Noah P, Darcy, Olivia, Noah C and Mareca for receiving Hui awards on Friday. Ka Pai team! 

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Monday, 22 March 2021

Hui Awards

Week 7 Hui Certificates: 
Harper K, Ryker, Jaxson, Alexis and Minh

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Happy St Patrick's Day

 Happy St Patrick's Day

On Wednesday, we celebrated St Patrick's Day by wearing some green and we learned about St Patrick. You could ask Paiaka Tamariki to share an interesting fact about St Patrick.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Maker Space Creations!

Throughout the year all children in Paiaka get the opportunity to go to Maker Space and create something out of wood materials. These children today finished making their piece and look how proud they are.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Our Week in Paiaka 9-12 Feb

 Our Week in Paiaka 9-12 Feb
First work in our Handwriting Books

Team Building Activities

Maths Games to Practise Basic Facts

We love reading in the Paiaka Hub